Privacy Policy

Universal Corporate Training is sensitive to and aware of privacy issues on the Internet and we believe that it is important that you are aware how we deal with any information you provide on the Internet.

You may visit this site anonymously and although our servers collect information about each visitor to our site (domain names, operating systems, browsers), this is not personally identifiable information. This information is collected to allow us to measure the use of our site and to improve its contents.

Any personal information (E-mail address, name, address, etc.) are known only when voluntarily provided by a visitor. Unless otherwise disclosed during the collection, any personally identifiable information in connection with visitors to this site is retained by Universal Corporate Training and its partners. Universal Corporate Training and its partners do not sell, transfer or otherwise provide this personally identifiable information to any third parties, unless disclosure is required by law.

This site may contain links to other sites of third parties. We are not responsible for the contents or privacy practices of those other sites. We may adjust this Privacy Policy from time to time and you are responsible for checking this policy when visiting this site.

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us.